Book Review: Everything Here is Beautiful by Mira T. Lee

Book Review: Everything Here is Beautiful by Mira T. Lee

Mira T. Lee’s debut novel is a huge success. That is to say, it is a lively portrait of mental illness and family and will therefore capture your attention and hold it until the end. I had the pleasure of meeting the author of this book, and discovered that she attended the same writing institute in Boston as I did! It was a pleasure to talk with Lee about her process while writing. Above all, what I found most admirable was the way in which she crafted her central character, Lucia. Though Lucia suffers with a serious mental illness that drastically affects how she acts, Lee didn’t want her to be solely characterized by this illness. Therefore, Lee said that it was through careful revision that she gradually revised and developed Lucia’s character. Clearly, her work paid off. Lucia’s character is filled with personality.

Overall, Lee’s characters are fleshed out and dynamic, making them seem as though they are truly real people. This book was such a fun read! Not only is the writing vivid and energetic, the plot keeps you on your toes. On top of that, there was not a dull moment, and I found myself flying through it!

What’s special about this book is that it explores so many different cultures and topics. I love it when novels have idiosyncrasies. Certainly, creating the minute details that make your story stand out and feel more realistic is a quality that is incredibly difficult to achieve. In this case, Lee does a wonderful job of writing very specific and interesting details that make her work seem far more realistic and interesting.

What it’s about:  

While the novel is advertised as a sister’s novel, the true focus is on the younger sister, Lucia who is plagued with a serious mental illness. The novel follows Lucia as she deals with her illness and explores how she impacts the world around her. On top of that, there are many characters who must deal with Lucia’s illness. As a result, their stories come together to construct a plot that addresses what it means to love someone who is seriously ill. In the end, the relationship between Lucia and her sister, though somewhat in the background of the story, is an essential part of the novel, as well as Lucia’s relationship with her husband and her child.

Who should read it:

Those who enjoy family portrait writing will be most likely to enjoy this novel. If books of the heart are your thing, then you will fall for this cast of characters. However, the story did become a bit heart wrenching at times. Despite the sadness, there is a certain energy to this book that keeps it from being completely dark at any point. Just be prepared, this read is a roller-coaster of emotions.


Everything about this novel recommends it to potential readers. The energy and life of the writing rewards the reader through every page. I enjoyed the story and hope that others find just as much joy and sadness in this book as I did.