Tag: health

Tofu Scramble

Tofu Scramble

Today I’m sharing the recipe for my tofu scramble! Yet another week in self-isolation has passed, which means my recipe list is growing longer and longer. Check out some of my other recipes here and here. Soon, my food section will be as full as 

The Perfect (Healthy) Banana Pancakes

The Perfect (Healthy) Banana Pancakes

For the past few days, I’ve been working on perfecting my banana pancakes. More specifically, I’ve been perfecting a healthy pancake recipe I found on Blogilates. The original recipe had only two ingredients: bananas and eggs. While those pancakes were pretty good, I thought I 

How We Spend Our Days

How We Spend Our Days

Has anyone else been feeling overwhelmed with stress lately? My days have been so packed with work that when I get a free second to myself, I’m not even sure what to do with it anymore. A lot of the healthy habits that I was