
Newburyport Beach Trip

Newburyport Beach Trip

Newburyport has always been a haven for me. It’s a place I can escape to at any time of the year. It’s a place of local adventures, a place for respite, a place to take a deep breath and to enjoy the natural world for 

Book Review: Leave the World Behind by Rumaan Alam

Book Review: Leave the World Behind by Rumaan Alam

Leave the World Behind is rare and lucid, a brightly atmospheric novel that leaves the impression of a vivid dream, gradually becoming a nightmare. Finalist for the 2020 National Book Award, there is no doubt that this book addresses many of the nightmarish realities of 

Sustainable Series, Part 2

Sustainable Series, Part 2

Tips and tricks for becoming more sustainable in your own kitchen!

Loaded Up Sweet Potato

Loaded Up Sweet Potato

I’ve hit a rut lately, in terms of recipes. With so much time to do extra cooking, I feel like I’m burning through all my creativity and have settled for simple meals recently instead of discovering unique new options. Today, I had had enough of 

Tofu Scramble

Tofu Scramble

Today I’m sharing the recipe for my tofu scramble! Yet another week in self-isolation has passed, which means my recipe list is growing longer and longer. Check out some of my other recipes here and here. Soon, my food section will be as full as 

The Happiness Series: Quarantine Health

The Happiness Series: Quarantine Health

Being trapped in the house, I’ve been thinking a lot about projects that I can get done: things that I’ve been putting off, fun activities to keep me busy, and productive ways to spend this time in quarantine. At the same time, I’ve been talking 

Quinoa Fried “Rice”

Quinoa Fried “Rice”

This quinoa fried “rice” has been a frequently requested recipe lately, and I’m excited to get it posted. Being stuck in our house day after day during this quarantine has given me the opportunity to cook even more than I usually do! I’ve been modifying 

Book Review: Rules of Civility by Amor Towles

Book Review: Rules of Civility by Amor Towles

Amor Towles’s debut novel, Rules of Civility is a sparkling masterpiece. Reminiscent of The Great Gatsby and Breakfast at Tiffany’s, this novel will send readers back in time to a glamorous New York City set in the 1930s. Since I had enjoyed A Gentleman in 

Weekend Trip to Ireland

Weekend Trip to Ireland

In these unprecedented times of quarantining and social isolation, global shutdown, and general uncertainty about what tomorrow will bring, I’ve decided to share a post about my trip to Ireland a month ago. Though it’s been a while (things have obviously been crazy for everyone), 

The Perfect (Healthy) Banana Pancakes

The Perfect (Healthy) Banana Pancakes

For the past few days, I’ve been working on perfecting my banana pancakes. More specifically, I’ve been perfecting a healthy pancake recipe I found on Blogilates. The original recipe had only two ingredients: bananas and eggs. While those pancakes were pretty good, I thought I